Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

Webinar: Impact on Agriculture

Webinar: Impact on Agriculture

Click here to download slides from the program in PDF format. The program may also be viewed and shared on Facebook and YouTube.

Jim Vokal Speaks with White House Office on CARES Act

Jim Vokal Speaks with White House Office on CARES Act

Today, I had the privilege and opportunity to participate in a White House “Listening Session” with the Office of American Innovation. Along with five other state think tank leaders, I was asked to provide feedback to the White House on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis as well the needed recovery efforts. Specifically, I was...

By Jim Vokal

Nebraska’s Job Creation Emergency

Nebraska’s Job Creation Emergency

All over the country, governors used executive orders to reduce health care licensing restrictions in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Regulatory changes included waiving fees, granting recognition of out-of-state medical personnel licenses, allowing immediate licensure for students who had not quite completed their clinical program, and waiving certain testing requirements for nursing assistants. This temporary...

By Laura Ebke

Flexibility for CARES Act gaining momentum in Congress

Flexibility for CARES Act gaining momentum in Congress

The CARES Act has received criticism since its enactment in late March, however, there is a growing consensus of lawmakers seeing that a change is needed to the original legislation. As written, the CARES Act only allows its $150 billion in aid to states and local governments to be used for new spending, not to...

By Sarah Curry

Jobs Report Shows National Unemployment Impact

Jobs Report Shows National Unemployment Impact

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its Employment Situation Summary today, and the results are what we expected (for the month of April). Number of unemployed persons rose by 15.9 million to 23.1 million in April Unemployment rate rose to 14.7% (that’s a jump of 10.3 percentage points) Largest over-the-month increase in the history of the survey...

By Sarah Curry

Platte Institute Coalition Letter Mentioned on C-SPAN

Platte Institute Coalition Letter Mentioned on C-SPAN

The Platte Institute and North Carolina-based John Locke Foundation are leading a coalition of states to encourage Congress to amend the CARES Act.  This would provide states and local governments more flexibility with the federal relief dollars. Kokai offered these comments during an April 25, 2020, appearance on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal.”

By Sarah Curry

Nebraska-Iowa Rivalry on Display in Federal Relief Proposals

Nebraska-Iowa Rivalry on Display in Federal Relief Proposals

Last week Nebraska’s Representative Don Bacon (R) filed legislation aimed at helping local governments utilize the funding already allocated to states under the previously enacted CARES Acts.  His bill, properly named the FLEX Act, gives states the flexibility they need (and many have asked for) to combat this crisis without spending more money.  This coincides with a coalition...

By Sarah Curry

Webinar: The CARES Act and Taxes

Webinar: The CARES Act and Taxes

Download the slides from this webinar in PDF format. The program may also be viewed and shared on Facebook and YouTube.

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: the Next 90 Days

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: the Next 90 Days

Our Goal: Protect the health, safety, and economic opportunity of all Nebraskans. Our Approach: As Nebraska’s Directed Health Measures are eased, working Nebraskans will need new and safe opportunities in a changed economy. For Nebraska to experience a full economic recovery, it will require a fertile environment for new businesses to start and existing firms...

By Sarah Curry

How Much Money Is Coming to Nebraska?

How Much Money Is Coming to Nebraska?

It is a question many have been asking since Congress passed the historic CARES Act at the end of March.  Since then there have been two other relief packages for a total cost of more than $2 trillion. But just exactly how much is being sent to Nebraska?  Well, that is an important question on...

By Sarah Curry

Thank You for “CAREing!”

Thank You for “CAREing!”

On March 27, President Trump signed the CARES Act into law, providing $2 trillion in financial aid to families and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. $150 billion of this $2 trillion was allocated to states. The CARES Act specifies that the $150 billion in funds may be used for emergency expenses or for newly...

By Nicole Fox

On Mask-Wearing, Rights, and Responsibilities

On Mask-Wearing, Rights, and Responsibilities

I thought the Omaha World-Herald got it right in this editorial highlighting the importance of wearing a mask in public during the health crisis. Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of illness seemed foreign to most Americans prior to COVID-19, and now with the political debates rising from the various state and local economic shutdowns, some...

By Adam Weinberg

Webinar: Laura Ebke and Shoshana Weissmann on Post-COVID Recovery

Webinar: Laura Ebke and Shoshana Weissmann on Post-COVID Recovery

Platte Institute Senior Fellow for Job Licensing Reform Laura Ebke joined a recent webcast along with R Street Institute’s Shoshana Weissmann as the two discussed the landscape for job licensing and regulatory reform in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.