Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

Lifting Regulations is how Nebraska’s Economy can Stay Alive During and After COVID-19

Lifting Regulations is how Nebraska’s Economy can Stay Alive During and After COVID-19

To see the version of this article published in the Lincoln Journal Star, click here. The pandemic that is affecting every state in our nation did not discriminate and has hit us here at home in Nebraska.  From March 14th to March 21st, initial unemployment claims rose 1,871% from the previous week. However, there are...

By Sarah Curry

Are we there yet? Looking ahead to life after COVID-19

Are we there yet? Looking ahead to life after COVID-19

I suspect that we’ve all been just a little out of sorts lately. While I personally work from home most of the time, I’m usually able to do that work without kids in the house–and I usually jump in the car and run to the grocery store, or downtown to the post office or to...

By Laura Ebke

State should allow to-go mixed drink sales

State should allow to-go mixed drink sales

UPDATE:  Govenor Ricketts issued Executive Order “to provide relief to restaurants and bars”  In a time of emergency many regulations are lifted to help business continue and keep people employed.  Many states and large cities have lifted regulations allowing for the curbside or delivery sale of alcoholic beverages to keep these places in business. The...

By Sarah Curry

Nebraska should eliminate excise tax on spirits

Nebraska should eliminate excise tax on spirits

On March 18th the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau waived some of the regulations associated with distilled spirits to allow them to make hand sanitizer in an effort to curb the national shortage.  In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) passed on March 25th eliminated the federal excise...

By Sarah Curry

From Rogue Fitness to Rogue Medical

From Rogue Fitness to Rogue Medical

A 600 employee fitness equipment company based in Columbus, Ohio seized the opportunity to reach out to the many people suffering from job loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Rogue Fitness announced it was hiring 100 new employees and increasing wages temporarily by $2/hour. Why? Because Rogue Fitness realized that they had the capacity and...

By Nicole Fox

How long would Nebraska’s rainy day fund last?

How long would Nebraska’s rainy day fund last?

In just a few months’ time we went from having a budget surplus and debating tax cuts to complete uncertainty.  All the pressures on Nebraska’s budget are unknown at this time and it would be wise for lawmakers to be prudent of the states’ savings to ensure a state crisis does not evolve out of...

By Sarah Curry

Nebraska ranked 9th for health care openness and access

Nebraska ranked 9th for health care openness and access

To see the study – click here. To see the details on Nebraska – click here. The Mercatus Center has pre-released its Healthcare Openness and Access Project (HOAP).  This index measures the extent to which states leave patients, providers, and businesses free to seek or provide healthcare as they deem best. Each state is evaluated...

By Sarah Curry

Virtual meetings: a good transparency measure, not just during a crisis

Virtual meetings: a good transparency measure, not just during a crisis

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis we have seen local governments go to great lengths to maintain good government transparency.  Gov. Pete Ricketts issued an executive order allowing local boards to meet by video conference, teleconference or other electronic means through May 31st to prevent the spread of the virus. Specifically, Grand Island Public...

By Sarah Curry

State takes steps to adopt Platte Institute emergency recommendations

State takes steps to adopt Platte Institute emergency recommendations

It’s amazing to reflect on how quickly COVID-19 has changed our lives in just a few weeks. On February 27, our state recognized that we needed to start preparing for the inevitable event that COVID-19 would officially affect our state. On March 6, Nebraska’s first COVID-19 case was confirmed. As I write this, Nebraska now has...

By Nicole Fox

Nebraska Legislature votes on COVID-19 funding

Nebraska Legislature votes on COVID-19 funding

The Speaker suspended the legislative session on March 16th in response to the COVID-19 situation, but reconvened on Monday, March 23rd to vote on an amendment that would provide emergency funding to aid Nebraska public health workers in combating the virus. The amendment will spend around $83.6 million.  Here is the fiscal note of the...

By Sarah Curry