Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

Not all Property Taxes are Equal

Not all Property Taxes are Equal

Why did the Governor waive the late fees on personal property taxes?  No, personal property is not the same as the property tax you pay on your house.  Real property is stationary and includes land, buildings, improvements, fixtures, mobile homes, minerals, and wells. Nebraska also taxes another type of property, known as tangible personal property. ...

By Sarah Curry

Changes to Unemployment and Medicaid in the CARES Act

Changes to Unemployment and Medicaid in the CARES Act

In March when Congress approved the CARES Act there was a provision making changes to the unemployment insurance program.  Most of us have heard about the ‘pandemic add on’ of $600 per week you can collect ON TOP OF the state’s unemployment benefits.  Well, now there is a little more to the story. The Foundation...

By Sarah Curry

Education in the CARES Act

Education in the CARES Act

Did you know the CARES Act has a special provision and spending directly related to education?  The Education Stabilization Fund makes up $30.75 billion of the relief package passed by Congress on March 27th .  Nebraska will receive $16,357,685 for elementary and secondary education through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund.  This amount was set...

By Sarah Curry

How to avoid a property tax hike next year

How to avoid a property tax hike next year

Did you know the CARES Act only allows state and local governments to spend the money on NEW programs?  Did you also know that Douglas County is the only local government in the entire state that is eligible to receive federal assistance related to the COVID-19 crisis? This is a problem because the biggest need...

By Sarah Curry

What is the Economic Impact of COVID-19?

What is the Economic Impact of COVID-19?

Pennsylvania’s version of the CBO released estimates last week. If businesses remain closed through April 30th (6 weeks), they are looking at a $2.7 billion drop in revenues. If the shutdown goes 10 weeks Pennsylvania is looking at a $3.9 billion drop. Nevada has one of the least diversified economies in the nation with...

By Sarah Curry