Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for the Little Guy

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for the Little Guy

Back in January, we told the story of Geraldine Tyler’s challenge of Hennepin County, Minnesota’s taking of her property to collect back property taxes, and her loss of any equity interest remaining.   While no one denies that the government can seize property to collect back taxes and fines, the question is really about how much...

By Laura Ebke

States should compete within America’s highly progressive tax and redistribution system

States should compete within America’s highly progressive tax and redistribution system

State and local governments are on the front lines of providing core government services. They are also on the front lines of competing for jobs and economic growth. Therefore, state fiscal policy should produce revenue for core government services by applying low, competitive tax rates to a broad tax base with limited exemptions. That is...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraskanomics: Jonathan Williams on how Nebraska ranks

Nebraskanomics: Jonathan Williams on how Nebraska ranks

On this episode of Nebraskanomics Platte Institute CEO Jim Vokal welcomes Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist and EVP for the American Legislative Exchange Council. During the episode the two dive into the significance of state tax policies and their impact on economic competitiveness. Jonathan also shares valuable insights from the Rich State’s Poor State’s report, a...

New Iowa law provides model for Nebraska to reform local bond elections

New Iowa law provides model for Nebraska to reform local bond elections

Two school bond elections in Omaha-area schools succeeded by a 2-1 margin on May 9, authorizing more than $120 million in new debt and taxes for the school districts. The bond proceeds are committed to infrastructure and construction costs for the districts. This result wasn’t unusual for a local school bond election, and is matched...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska property tax relief in LB 243

Nebraska property tax relief in LB 243

Nebraska lawmakers have laid out an ambitious goal of achieving historic income tax and property tax relief in 2023.   Income tax reforms in LB 754 would accomplish Nebraska’s most significant tax improvements in generations. In addition, lawmakers are advancing property tax relief in LB 243, sponsored by Senator Tom Briese, an amendment to which incorporates...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska’s Licensing Challenges Continue

Nebraska’s Licensing Challenges Continue

As the glow of Nebraska’s annual Spring Game leads to dreams of hearing “We’re Number 1” at Memorial Stadium, there is one area of policy where Nebraska is “number one” in our conference/region—but being number one is not a good thing.  The Archbridge Institute recently released its first State Occupational Licensing Index, and Nebraska’s position...

By Laura Ebke

LB 754 fiscal and economic impact

LB 754 fiscal and economic impact

Nebraska has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to overhaul its tax code in 2023. A successful tax reform will pay dividends for generations.  Nebraska has large revenue surpluses, and the best thing to do with the surplus revenue stream is to return most of it to the productive private economy through thoughtful and sustainable tax reform. This...

By Michael Lucci

Matt Wynn on Tracking Government Salaries

Matt Wynn on Tracking Government Salaries

The Flatwater Free Press is Nebraska’s first independent, nonprofit newsroom focused on investigations and feature stories that matter. Today on Nebraskanomics, I’m joined by Matt Wynn, the executive director of The Flatwater Free Press. Tune into our conversation to learn about government payroll reporting and more government transparency projects in Nebraska. You can also listen...

By Jim Vokal

Missouri House advances bill to cut its corporate tax in half

Missouri House advances bill to cut its corporate tax in half

North Carolina made state tax history in 2021 by passing a law to eliminate the state’s corporate income tax by the end of 2026. Although the Tarheel State will be the first to repeal its corporate income tax, it probably won’t be the last. In fact, Missouri is advancing a bill to slash its corporate...

By Michael Lucci

LB 754 keeps Nebraska’s income tax progressive

LB 754 keeps Nebraska’s income tax progressive

Nebraska has a progressive state income tax. This means that higher income earners pay a greater portion of their income in taxes than do lower income earners. If Nebraska lawmakers enact LB 754, a comprehensive income tax reform bill, the state will still have a progressive income tax.  Nebraska’s top income tax rate of 6.64%...

By Michael Lucci

Summary and analysis of income tax reform in LB 754

Summary and analysis of income tax reform in LB 754

Nebraska’s Revenue Committee advanced an amendment to LB 754 out of committee on a 7-1 vote last week, bringing Gov. Pillen’s income tax reform plan to the full Unicameral for debate.   The bill is a tour de force of income tax reforms. The individual and corporate income taxes are both overhauled by the bill, with...

By Michael Lucci

The state tax revolution sweeps across the Great Plains

The state tax revolution sweeps across the Great Plains

Nebraska lawmakers took a key step towards historic tax reform last week. Revenue Committee lawmakers voted to consolidate several tax reforms into LB 754 and to advance the tax package out of committee on Thursday, March 16.   Nebraska’s legislative progress comes not a moment too soon, as major tax reform proposals are advancing across the...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska’s tax code should encourage remote workers to move in

Nebraska’s tax code should encourage remote workers to move in

Nebraska has one of the most aggressive regimes for taxation of non-resident income in the country, according to new rankings from the National Taxpayers Union. While raising tax revenues from non-Nebraskans might seem like found money, it also ensures that many non-Nebraskans will never visit Nebraska for work purposes.    Tax compliance is heavy for remote...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska should join the responsible state budget revolution

Nebraska should join the responsible state budget revolution

Nebraska’s Revenue Committee is advancing a broad overhaul of the state’s tax code. These reforms, if enacted, would bring the Cornhusker State in line with the ongoing state tax revolution.    During the post-pandemic era, states are turning away from progressive tax structures and creating lower, flatter income taxes. And mobile workers are moving towards states...

By Michael Lucci