Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

Nebraska recovers to pre-pandemic jobs count

Nebraska recovers to pre-pandemic jobs count

Nebraska’s economy achieved an important milestone in July, adding enough jobs to match its pre-pandemic jobs count from February 2020. The state’s economy now has 1,033,200 non-farm payroll jobs and the nation’s second-lowest unemployment rate at 2.0%. The national economy also recovered to its pre-recession jobs level in July, marking an important step in national...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska’s Property Tax Request Act and Truth in Taxation

Nebraska’s Property Tax Request Act and Truth in Taxation

Nebraska’s 2021 Property Tax Request Act added Nebraska to the list of states with a comprehensive Truth in Taxation property tax law. Four types of local taxing jurisdictions–counties, cities, school districts, and community colleges–will comply with the provisions of the new law every September, creating an opportunity for the public to be fully informed about...

By Michael Lucci

Preparing for Truth in Taxation, Nebraska’s Property Tax Transparency Law

Preparing for Truth in Taxation, Nebraska’s Property Tax Transparency Law

Jim Vokal and Laura Ebke discuss how you can help keep Nebraska property taxes in check and learn more about Nebraska’s new Truth in Taxation law at A transcript of this episode is available below. If you’d like to watch this episode on YouTube, press play. Or you can listen to the podcast on...

Jim Vokal & Gary Sadlemyer talk Nebraska’s Truth in Taxation law on KFAB

Jim Vokal & Gary Sadlemyer talk Nebraska’s Truth in Taxation law on KFAB

Jim Vokal joined Gary Sadlemyer on the KFAB Morning News to walk through how Nebraska’s new Truth in Taxation law equips taxpayers with more information about potential property tax increases, and what to do if they’re concerned. You can find more free tips and resources about Truth in Taxation at

September is Truth in Taxation Month in Nebraska

September is Truth in Taxation Month in Nebraska

September is typically when we think of the beginning of fall and settling into the routine of a new school year. However, this year September will take on a new meaning. September is now Truth in Taxation month here in Nebraska. This year, our cities, counties, school boards, and community colleges are required to engage...

By Elizabeth Hallgren

How inflation and taxes impact Nebraska farms and factories

How inflation and taxes impact Nebraska farms and factories

Inflation is the top concern for families heading into midterm elections. Americans largely see federal government actions as hurting their households, and they’re right. As a result of the federal inflationary whirlwind, real wages have fallen 3.6% over the last year. Inflation and supply chain disruptions hurt all household budgets. But they also impact different...

By Michael Lucci

Which parts of Nebraska’s jobs market have recovered from the pandemic?

Which parts of Nebraska’s jobs market have recovered from the pandemic?

Nebraska’s economy added 2,600 jobs in June, driving the state closer to a full recovery of payroll jobs from the pandemic recession. If Nebraska’s economy made a similar gain in July, it will be back to its pre-pandemic jobs peak. Like other states, Nebraska’s jobs recovery has been uneven across industries. And as the recovery...

By Michael Lucci

Sign the Petition – Post the Unicameral’s Videos Online 

Sign the Petition – Post the Unicameral’s Videos Online 

“The Salvation of the State is Watchfulness in the Citizen”   Some of you may remember that those are the words etched into the stone above the main entrance to our State Capitol building. Video recordings and archives of floor debate and committee hearings are one of the primary tools most states and U.S. territories...

By Elizabeth Hallgren

Nebraska can build its workforce with licensing recognition

Nebraska can build its workforce with licensing recognition

Nebraska is widely acknowledged to face one of the most severe labor shortages in the country. Even if every unemployed Nebraskan found work right this minute, there would be tens of thousands of jobs still unfilled. Although the nature of the labor market is currently changing all across the country, not every state is being...

By Laura Ebke

Nebraska businesses face 2023 tax increase unless Legislature acts

Nebraska businesses face 2023 tax increase unless Legislature acts

Nebraska lawmakers enacted tax relief in 2022 in the form of LB873, which cut individual and corporate income taxes, eliminated taxation of Social Security benefits, and expanded a property tax credit program. The lion’s share of the tax relief will go to households in the form of income tax cuts and property tax credits, yet...

By Michael Lucci

How the Platte Institute Can Help Nebraskans with Elizabeth Hallgren

How the Platte Institute Can Help Nebraskans with Elizabeth Hallgren

Platte Institute Community Engagement Director Elizabeth Hallgren joins Jim Vokal to talk about her experiences as an educator and small business advocate, and how Nebraskans can stay informed and help remove barriers to success in their state. A transcript of this episode is available below. If you’d like to watch this episode on YouTube, press...

Tracking Waste, Fraud & Abuse in Nebraska with Addie Costello & Deputy Auditor Craig Kubicek

Tracking Waste, Fraud & Abuse in Nebraska with Addie Costello & Deputy Auditor Craig Kubicek

City clerks in 17 small Nebraska towns have been caught stealing from taxpayers in recent years. Addie Costello of the Flatwater Free Press and Nebraska Deputy Auditor Craig Kubicek discuss ways Nebraskans can trust but verify what government is doing with your money, and what to do if you see something that might be wrong.

How’s Nebraska’s jobs recovery going? It depends on who you ask.

How’s Nebraska’s jobs recovery going? It depends on who you ask.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly jobs report shows Nebraska retained the nation’s lowest jobless rate in May at 1.9%. That’s an indicator of a tight labor market, which can make it hard for businesses to hire and expand. Indeed, businesses across the country are experiencing a labor shortage due to a confluence of factors...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska is losing taxpayers. See where they’re moving.

Nebraska is losing taxpayers. See where they’re moving.

When taxpayers vote with their feet, policymakers should listen. Nebraska endured one of the nation’s largest migration-caused losses of income between 2019 and 2020, according to taxpayer migration data released by the Internal Revenue Service. Nebraska’s net loss of annual income due to outmigration was nearly $500 million. The Wall Street Journal described the new...

By Michael Lucci