The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Nebraska Economy: First Cut
The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Nebraska Economy: First Cut
Ernie Goss & Scott Strain model the impact of COVID-19 on Nebraska jobs, economic activity, and tax revenues.
Ernie Goss & Scott Strain model the impact of COVID-19 on Nebraska jobs, economic activity, and tax revenues.
The Legislature's budget chair says he is planning for the worst and hoping for the best.
The Unicameral's budget chair is planning for the worst.
Meanwhile, government grew faster than key industries like manufacturing.
To see the version of this article published in the Lincoln Journal Star, click here. The pandemic that is affecting every state in our nation did not discriminate and has hit us here at home in Nebraska. From March 14th to March 21st, initial unemployment claims rose 1,871% from the previous week. However, there are...
Too many restrictions on virtual learning can set everyone back.
Officials and taxpayers cannot afford to be blindsided this time.
Nebraska entrepreneurs are adapting to help meet emergency community needs.
An emergency executive order can help more medical personnel respond to the COVID-19 crisis in Nebraska.
I suspect that we’ve all been just a little out of sorts lately. While I personally work from home most of the time, I’m usually able to do that work without kids in the house–and I usually jump in the car and run to the grocery store, or downtown to the post office or to...
UPDATE: Govenor Ricketts issued Executive Order “to provide relief to restaurants and bars” In a time of emergency many regulations are lifted to help business continue and keep people employed. Many states and large cities have lifted regulations allowing for the curbside or delivery sale of alcoholic beverages to keep these places in business. The...
On March 18th the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau waived some of the regulations associated with distilled spirits to allow them to make hand sanitizer in an effort to curb the national shortage. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) passed on March 25th eliminated the federal excise...
A 600 employee fitness equipment company based in Columbus, Ohio seized the opportunity to reach out to the many people suffering from job loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Rogue Fitness announced it was hiring 100 new employees and increasing wages temporarily by $2/hour. Why? Because Rogue Fitness realized that they had the capacity and...
In just a few months’ time we went from having a budget surplus and debating tax cuts to complete uncertainty. All the pressures on Nebraska’s budget are unknown at this time and it would be wise for lawmakers to be prudent of the states’ savings to ensure a state crisis does not evolve out of...