Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

How much paid parental leave should there be?

How much paid parental leave should there be?

This story from The Hill popped up in my news aggregator a little while ago. Sometimes I don’t get stories until a day after they were published… Anyway, the essence of the story is this: Congress and the President have a tentative agreement to give all federal employees 12 weeks of PAID parental leave. Current...

By Laura Ebke

Idaho hits reset button on state regulations

Idaho hits reset button on state regulations

I was at a conference workshop this morning–about “regulatory overreach”–and one of the panelists was legislator form Idaho. This legislator made sure that we all knew what they had done this year–essentially repealing ALL of the regulatory code through a universal sunset process, and then adding a few critical ones back in. Given that most...

By Laura Ebke

Tucker Carlson special features Sidney, Nebraska

Tucker Carlson special features Sidney, Nebraska

Just in case you missed it, Fox News did a special segment on the story of Cabela’s leaving Sidney and the impact it has had on the town and its citizens. The whole video is 10:45 long, but if you want to hear only the part about Sidney, fast forward to 5:15 and then at...

By Sarah Curry

Which school of economics do you identify with?

Which school of economics do you identify with?

Ever wonder where we get some of our economic ideas? Two predominant examples of economic views  are Keynesian and Classical (also sometimes referred to as Austrian economics). Keynesian is based on the British Economist John Maynard Keynes, who influenced much of the economic and fiscal behavior of governments in the early 1900’s.  In a nutshell,...

By Sarah Curry

New local sales taxes taking effect

New local sales taxes taking effect

According to the NE Department of Revenue, the following are changes to the local sales and use taxes effective Jan 1, 2020: Gage County will start a new 0.5% county sales and use tax rate that is effective in the entire Gage County area. Deshler will start a new 1% city sales and use tax rate.  Unadilla will start a new 1.5% city sales...

By Sarah Curry

Michigan losing nearly $750 million due to occupational licenses

Michigan losing nearly $750 million due to occupational licenses

News from Michigan today – “Michigan could put more people to work and add $746.2 million to state and local government treasuries by reforming or eliminating occupational licensure mandates — dwarfing the $195 million governments here currently collect in licensing fees.” This is based on a study coming out of a Massachusetts based nonprofit.  The...

By Sarah Curry

Nebraska’s 10-year challenge

Nebraska’s 10-year challenge

Ever wonder how much our state has changed when it comes to tax policy?  Well, in the spirit of Facebook’s ten-year challenge, here is Nebraska’s ten year tax challenge: 2009 to 2019. Here are some things to keep in mind. Slight changes in our tax rates can change our national ranking.  For example, the individual...

By Sarah Curry

The stories behind “Black Friday”

The stories behind “Black Friday”

The folks over at the Foundation for Economic Education have provided us with a nice little background on why “Black Friday” is called that. If you don’t have time to read the story before you head out on your post-Thanksgiving shopping binge, here are the three competing theories behind “Black Friday.” 1)  National Hooky Day...

By Laura Ebke