Facebook Friday: Next Property Tax Debate Scheduled for Wednesday
Facebook Friday: Next Property Tax Debate Scheduled for Wednesday
A new property tax-related amendment is expected to see legislative debate on Wednesday.
A new property tax-related amendment is expected to see legislative debate on Wednesday.
Full legislative debate on property tax reform has started, but senators are short on time, and barriers to a compromise remain high.
The Nebraska Legislature’s Revenue Committee has advanced its long-awaited property tax reform plan.
Legislative debate on the Revenue Committee's proposed property tax plan begins Tuesday.
LB304 and LB445 were approved by the Nebraska Legislature today.
LB304 and LB445 are now on Final Reading.
The Revenue Committee unveiled its proposed tax plan. We review the pros and cons and how it could be improved.
The Platte Institute will provide neutral testimony on AM1381.
Neutral testimony on AM1381.
The Revenue Committee released its proposed property tax reform plan.
LB550 appears on this week's legislative agenda.
The Revenue Committee will soon host a special hearing on its proposed property tax reform plan.
Evidence from other states show cigarette taxes are not a stable source of revenue for reducing property taxes.
LB445 and LB304 appear on this week's agenda in the Unicameral.