Tax Policy

Discriminatory Taxes Make Unreliable Revenue Sources

Discriminatory Taxes Make Unreliable Revenue Sources

As Nebraska lawmakers work to close a revenue gap and consider additional property tax relief, they should focus on revenue sources with the wherewithal to produce revenue over time. Unfortunately, the tobacco tax hike proposed in amendment 603 to LB 170 not only would fail to be an enduring revenue source, but it would also...

By Michael Lucci

Fix Nebraska’s Truth In Taxation Timeline and Tax Rate Rollback

Fix Nebraska’s Truth In Taxation Timeline and Tax Rate Rollback

Nebraska’s property tax ranks 45th in the nation for overall property tax competitiveness, according to the Tax Foundation’s annual state rankings. One reason that Nebraska’s property tax is so uncompetitive is because the overall property tax burden is so high and because Nebraska’s property tax caps are too loose.   These problems are interrelated. Over time, effective...

By Michael Lucci

Eliminate ESU and TPP for the Next $300mm of Property Tax Relief

Eliminate ESU and TPP for the Next $300mm of Property Tax Relief

K-12 school districts account for over $3 billion of all Nebraska property tax collections, making up 60% of the whole. So if lawmakers are looking to deliver tax relief, school district property taxes are a natural target.  Lawmakers have used tools from tax credits (beginning with 2020’s LB 1107) to new education funding (such as...

By Michael Lucci

Education Service Units Property Tax Relief

Education Service Units Property Tax Relief

Nebraskans want property tax relief, and lawmakers continue to seek options to deliver tax relief without fueling local government overspending. And unlike in the flush revenue years of 2021-2023, lawmakers also face tightening budgets in upcoming fiscal years.   One option for property tax relief is to continue removing smaller property tax levies altogether. For example,...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska Tops Charts for K-12 Property Tax Reliance

Nebraska Tops Charts for K-12 Property Tax Reliance

Nebraska policymakers have been focused on property tax relief for 5 years, and for good reason. According to Tax Foundation’s most recent analysis, Nebraska’s property taxes are the eighth-highest in the country and higher than any neighboring state.   Tax Foundation calculated Nebraska’s average effective property tax rate to be 1.44% in 2022. This rate is...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska Revenue Committee Must Be Ready for Reconciliation

Nebraska Revenue Committee Must Be Ready for Reconciliation

Nebraska’s Revenue Committee faces an unusual challenge this year. Federal lawmakers are likely to change the federal tax code in ways that will impact Nebraska’s revenue streams, and the federal changes will occur during the legislative session.   Speaker Mike Johnson announced his intent to pass President Trump’s budgetary agenda within 100 days through the budgetary...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska Must Defend Its Historic 2023 Income Tax Cuts

Nebraska Must Defend Its Historic 2023 Income Tax Cuts

Nebraska’s 2023 income tax reforms are the Cornhusker State’s ultimate tax reform achievement of the last generation. Governor Pillen and Nebraska lawmakers secured a permanent, transformational reform that would qualify as a crowning achievement on any lawmaker’s legacy. It was the type of achievement that lawmakers wait a whole career to accomplish.   As Platte Institute wrote...

By Michael Lucci

Reforming Nebraska’s Tangible Personal Property Tax

Reforming Nebraska’s Tangible Personal Property Tax

Nebraska’s tangible personal property tax (TPP) needs to be reformed. Nebraska ranks 45th in the nation for overall property tax competitiveness, and TPP is one of the culprits for Nebraska’s uncompetitive property tax system.   Tangible personal property (TPP) includes the machinery, equipment, fixtures, and supplies that businesses use to conduct business. Unlike real property, which...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska should tighten the inflation adjustment for its property tax cap

Nebraska should tighten the inflation adjustment for its property tax cap

Nebraska lawmakers imposed a property tax cap in LB 34, which was passed during the 2024 summer special session. The property tax cap allows cities and counties to raise property taxes by 0% or inflation, whichever is greater.    So far, so good.   But not all inflation measures are created equally. In fact, the metric LB...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska should repeal its Corporation Occupation Tax

Nebraska should repeal its Corporation Occupation Tax

Nebraska’s Corporation Occupation Tax is a business tax levied upon a business’ net worth in Nebraska rather than the business’ profitability. This form of property taxation is generally known as a capital stock tax, and is calculated based upon the value of capital within the state. The Corporation Occupation Tax funds the Nebraska Secretary of...

By Michael Lucci

Ensuring Property Tax Relief: Strengthening Nebraska’s School Funding and Tax Caps

Ensuring Property Tax Relief: Strengthening Nebraska’s School Funding and Tax Caps

Last week Governor Pillen provided state senators with the newly published 2024 School Property Tax Collection Report and asked them to consider legislation to address inconsistencies in state aid to schools.   We applaud the Governor’s ongoing efforts to improve the competitiveness of the state’s education systems and believe addressing the perceived disparities in the state...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska Advances to #24 on State Tax Competitiveness Index

Nebraska Advances to #24 on State Tax Competitiveness Index

Nebraska’s 2023 income tax reforms are beginning to bear fruit in the form of enhanced state tax competitiveness. So says the findings of Tax Foundation’s 2025 State Tax Competitiveness Index, a tool that assesses the competitiveness of each state’s tax code. Nebraska moved up from #30 in the 2024 edition to #24 in the 2025...

By Michael Lucci

Nebraska Tax Sources: The complete tax picture over 24 years

Nebraska Tax Sources: The complete tax picture over 24 years

Over the last 24 years, Nebraska’s major revenue sources have grown at roughly 2.5-3 times the rate of inflation, with property tax collections outpacing sales and income tax collections at a slightly faster clip. This overall high rate of revenue and spending growth is what drives Nebraska’s high tax burden.  Nebraska’s property tax remains the...

By Michael Lucci

Tax-happy Aurora Officials Buckle Against Truth in Taxation

Tax-happy Aurora Officials Buckle Against Truth in Taxation

Aurora officials have had their hearts set on a major tax hike in 2024, causing Aurora residents to scramble to defend their wallets. Luckily, Aurora’s most recent tax grab fell under the scrutiny of Nebraska’s Truth-in-Taxation law, which allowed taxpayers to push back against a massive tax hike.   The Truth-in-Taxation neon postcards sent to Aurora...

By Michael Lucci