Legislative Testimony for LR22CA: Constitutional amendment to limit the total amount of property tax revenue that may be raised by political subdivisions
Good morning, Chairwoman Linehan and members of the Revenue Committee. The Platte Institute is in SUPPORT of this legislation. For property tax reform to deliver significant and sustainable results for Nebraskans, additional property tax limitations will have to be paired with any new revenues raised by the state and local governments. LR22CA is one potential...
Legislative Testimony for LB408: Adopt the Property Tax Request Act
Good afternoon, Chairwoman Linehan and members of the Revenue Committee. The Platte Institute is in SUPPORT of this legislation. This morning you heard me talk about LR22CA, which is essentially the same proposal except in a constitutional amendment format. While we support and recommend voters having a voice in their government whenever possible, we know...
Special Testimony: Letter to the City of Omaha in Support of a Virtual Public Comment Option
Dear Mayor Stothert and Members of the Omaha City Council, It is my pleasure to write in support of Councilmember Festersen’s Res. 2021-0035, which would amend the City Council’s Rules of Order to allow permanent virtual participation by members of the public via Zoom conferencing. Nebraskans need more options for participating in the local and state government process....
Legislative Testimony: LR415, Interim study to examine the state inheritance tax
Chairwoman Linehan and members of the Revenue Committee, my name is Sarah Curry, and I am the Policy Director for the Platte Institute. Since there has been broad agreement in this committee that Nebraska needs tax modernization, I want to start today with a bit of legislative history. Nebraska’s inheritance tax law was adopted in...
Legislative Testimony: AM3093, Decoupling from CARES Act tax provisions
Chairwoman Linehan and members of the Revenue Committee, my name is Sarah Curry, and I am the Policy Director for the Platte Institute. I am here today to testify in opposition to AM3093. It is no secret to any of the committee members that the Platte Institute supports conformity to the CARES Act tax provisions....
Legislative Testimony for LB781: Provide for annual continuing education for treasurers of certain local governments and provide a duty for the Auditor of Public Accounts