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Assigned To Committee

LB492–Decouple TCJA from federal tax code to allow full expensing for Nebraska taxes

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 temporarily eliminated the factory tax by allowing full expensing for investments in business machinery and equipment in the year the investments occurred. This provision will expire beginning January 1, 2023. The TCJA of 2017 also allowed for full expensing for investments in research and experimentation (R&E)....
Introduced January 17, 2023
Signed into Law

LB16: workforce licensing reform, breaking down barriers and second chances

The Platte Institute supported LB16, a reintroduction of two bills Platte supported in the 107th Legislature: LB263 and LB709. The bills made it out of committee on a 7-0-1 vote, but ran out of time before the 60-day session concluded. This bill allows an alternate way of licensing workers from other states through recognition of...
Introduced on January 9, 2023