Removing Barriers for Nebraskans

30 Days to Go

30 Days to Go

Today (Tuesday, February 25) marks Day 30 of Nebraska's 60-day legislative session this year. Halfway there. In reality, probably a little over halfway, because Speaker Scheer has typically tried to close the session out between days 57 and 59.  If you look at the Legislative Calendar found here, you'll see that Day 59 falls on...

By Laura Ebke

Imagine There’s No License

Imagine There’s No License

Sometimes, circumstances remind me of songs, and the John Lennon song "Imagine" came to mind as I was reading the articles I link to below. This article popped up in my Google alerts yesterday.  It appears that a couple of legislators in Tennessee have decided to float a very bold idea: Tennessee lawmakers introduced two...

By Laura Ebke

Protectionism and the Licensing of Occupations

Protectionism and the Licensing of Occupations

On Thursday, I testified on two bills before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Nebraska Legislature. The first one I testified on was Senator Andrew La Grone's (LD49) LB1187, which would provide for "universal recognition" of occupational licenses of people who move to Nebraska from other states. A nice write up of...

By Laura Ebke

Occupational protectionism hurts workers

Occupational protectionism hurts workers

  It’s been an interesting couple of weeks in Nebraska on the occupational licensing front. Yesterday was particularly interesting. My colleague, Laura Ebke, testified yesterday in support of LB1187 introduced by Sen. Andrew LaGrone to allow for universal recognition of occupational licenses held in good standing in other states for individuals coming to Nebraska to...

By Nicole Fox

Lifting Americans From Poverty Through Licensing Reform

Lifting Americans From Poverty Through Licensing Reform

This op-ed, posted recently in The Hill, suggests that licensing is not just about reducing “red tape”–it’s also about giving people real opportunities to lift themselves from poverty. Licensing laws are barriers that can put your dreams on hold for years. They also make us less safe. Individuals who have made mistakes in the past,...

By Laura Ebke

Handymen Beware!

Handymen Beware!

An article published by Reason Magazine today points out the insidious nature of many states’ occupational licensing frameworks. The Hillsbourough County Sheriff’s office conducted a 9-month “sting” operation, which resulted in the arrest of 118 men and women. The sting, according to Patch, saw sheriff’s deputies pose as homeowners seeking handymen on social media to do jobs...

By Laura Ebke

Taxpayers must address appetite for spending

Taxpayers must address appetite for spending

When I was running for the Legislature (both times), property taxes where high on peoples’ minds. I tried to listen to their concerns, and some comments I heard while watching the legislative coverage several days ago (and then again today) reminded me of some of the things that I’d heard, and the difficulty that I...

By Laura Ebke