December 16 webinar: Researchers to discuss measurements of prosperity in Nebraska

December 16 webinar: Researchers to discuss measurements of prosperity in Nebraska

On December 16, the Platte Institute will host researchers Shaun Flanagan and Ed Wickstead of the Legatum Institute for our latest webinar. You can register at

The Legatum Institute is based in the United Kingdom and has built a niche in the area of studying relative measures of prosperity between countries and even U.S. states and counties.

While there are many issue indices online comparing states by which ones have good tax climates, are desirable places to retire, or have the most industry potential, the Legatum Institute’s Prosperity Index is more holistic.

It measures economic and social well-being on a wide range of topics, from safety and security, the rule of law, social tolerance, the business and natural environment, and more.

Though it was a coincidence that our event is scheduled for December 16, Nebraska also ranks 16th out of the 50 states. Nebraska has many strong measures of prosperity and potential on the index, including its resources, the health care system, and trust in institutions.

But even with its impressive overall ranking, Nebraska still has many areas where it can improve, according to the Legatum Institute. On our webinar, Flanagan and Wickstead will outline how their index provides lawmakers with insights to better target policies to Nebraska’s needs.

As the state moves forward with projects like Blueprint Nebraska, which seek to envision the state’s future for decades to come, it’s important to keep in mind the many perspectives and measures of betterment.

You and your neighbor might measure progress in different ways, and policymakers can never satisfy everyone all the time.

But by looking comprehensively at the challenges and opportunities facing the state, policymakers can be more likely to advance solutions that allow people of diverse backgrounds to be able to live their version of the Good Life in Nebraska.

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