Facebook Live: LB103 Passes First Round
Facebook Live: LB103 Passes First Round
Jim Vokal discusses proposed property tax limits and Laura Ebke visits Des Moines to talk job licensing.
Jim Vokal discusses proposed property tax limits and Laura Ebke visits Des Moines to talk job licensing.
Neutral testimony on LB497.
Testimony opposing LB314.
Sarah Curry and Laura Ebke will oppose tax rate increases and new job licensing laws.
Testimony opposing LB276.
Jim Vokal's statement on first round passage of LB103.
A new property tax limit will be up for debate, and two bills on real estate licensing are in committee.
Legislative testimony opposing LR3CA.
Neutral testimony on LB153 and LB263.
Legislative testimony in support of LB412.
LB103 has advanced to first-round debate in the Legislature.
Legislative testimony for February 7.
The Platte Institute will testify in support of legislation to enable collection of sales taxes from remote sellers.
Supporting testimony, with commentary, on three bills enabling online sales tax collections.