108th Nebraska Legislature Issue Guide

108th Nebraska Legislature Issue Guide

The elections are over, and Nebraskans now know who will be representing them in the Nebraska Legislature.   

People run for public office for a variety of reasons. For many, the decision is because they want to make a difference and help others.  For some, they feel that elected officials currently serving have let them down. Their campaign platforms are based on a set of ideals as well as promises to those who honor them with their vote. 

As the Platte Institute’s Director of Government Relations, I have spent the 2022 interim meeting with candidates to learn more about them – who they are, why they chose to run for the Legislature, what policy issues came up in conversations as they knocked doors, and what policy issues were ones they wanted to address if they were elected. 

Regardless of whether I was meeting with Democrat candidates or Republican candidates, similar themes emerged from both sides.  Candidates in both their conversations with me as well as their campaign materials noted the following: 

  • “Provide/ensure opportunities for all Nebraskans” 
  • “Strong local/Nebraska economy” 
  • “Reduce tax burdens/reform taxes” 
  • “Reduce regulatory burdens for businesses” 
  • “Create jobs/more job opportunities” 
  • “Retain and attract talent” 
  • “More efficient government” 
  • “Transparency” 

I enjoyed these conversations immensely, because these are the issues our team at the Platte Institute works to address every day. 

In fact, in preparation for the start of the next legislative session that begins January 4th, we are releasing our new Legislative Issue Guide for the 108th Nebraska Legislature.  This guide is a public policy handbook for policymakers, providing insights and solutions for key economic issues facing our state. 

With approximately a third of the body consisting of new faces, it’s important that senators have a resource that provides sound information and policy solutions as they embark on major policy decisions regarding issues facing the state of Nebraska. Our legislative guide aligns with Platte Institute policy priorities aimed at making Nebraska more economically competitive both regionally and nationally. 

In the guide, we discuss ways policymakers can help Nebraskans pursue the “Good Life” by means of modernizing our tax structure, reducing regulatory burdens for workers and businesses, encouraging innovation, promoting a more transparent and efficient government, addressing new ideas surrounding funding education, and facilitating broadband connectivity. 

The remaining weeks of 2022 will bring a flurry of activity – newly elected senators will be getting oriented, campaigns for legislative leadership will be in full swing, and policy ideas will be pitched to senators.  

Looking forward to 2023, the Platte Institute will remain committed to working with all 49 senators to be a sound resource for policies promoting economic opportunities by reducing barriers. 

In my Government Relations role, I’ll be monitoring legislative activity closely. Will issues of concern discussed on the campaign trail with constituents be reflected in votes and floor comments, or will there be special interest and political pressure to back away that will prevail?  Stay tuned! 

Download the 108th Nebraska Legislature Issues Guide here.


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