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Property Tax Reform Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which gives us a better idea of what Nebraskans really think about property tax reform.
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* Indicates required question
Where do you believe property tax reform should rank on the list of priorities for the Nebraska Legislature?
Most important
Somewhat important
Not at all important
To your knowledge, what level of government is responsible for levying property taxes?
The State of Nebraska
Local Governments
The Federal Government
On a scale from 1-10, how much of a financial worry are property taxes for you?
I never worry about property taxes
Property taxes are a major worry for me
What aspect of property taxes do you find most objectionable?
Increases in property tax are difficult to plan and budget around
The property tax in Nebraska costs too much compared to other states
Property taxes mean paying "rent" for property I already own
The amount of tax I owe is not consistent with my ability to pay
I don't agree with any of these objections
Are you willing to pay other taxes in exchange for paying less property tax?
Which taxes would you rather pay more of in exchange for paying less property tax? You may select more than one.
Cigarette Tax
Gas Tax
Income Tax
Sales Tax
If you are willing to pay more sales tax, which of the following purchases would you be willing to pay sales taxes on in exchange for a lower property tax?
Accounting, Legal, or Investment Advice Services
Doctor, Dentist, or Optometrist Visits
Gasoline (Sales Tax, in addition to Gas Tax)
Household Services (Lawn Care, Home Repairs, Moving Service)
Motor Vehicle Repair Service
Personal Services (Hair care, Massages, Tanning)
Taxi, Limousine, or Ridesharing Transportation
Veterinary Services
Once again, if you wouldn't mind paying more sales tax for property tax reform: Given the choice, would you rather pay a higher sales tax rate (ex. 8% instead of 7%) or pay sales tax on purchases you do not pay on currently?
Higher Rate with Same Purchases
Same Rate with More Purchases
I would be willing to pay on more purchases, but would like a lower sales tax rate
Clear selection
Would you be willing to pay a higher total amount in state and local taxes than you pay now if you were guaranteed to pay less property tax in the future?
Regardless of your response to the previous question, how much lower would your property tax bill need to be for you to feel the Legislature addressed your concerns?
5% lower
10% lower
20% lower
30% lower
Which of these changes would you prefer most?
Limits on property tax valuations.
Reduced property tax levies.
A state income tax credit to refund a portion of property taxes paid.
An increase to the property tax credit I currently receive on my property tax bill.
Would you like to learn more about property tax reform in Nebraska? Please provide your name and email address to subscribe to Jim Vokal's weekly Platte Institute email.
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